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Regulations & privacy policy

Ordinary member registration


DanzArte (Dance To Live®) studio regulations

  1. The registration fee for the DanzArte Association is valid for the current school year.

  2. The lessons missed by the student cannot be recovered within the DANCE TO LIVE ® program. In case of absences exceeding 30% of the total hours of the DANCE TO LIVE ® workshop, no certificate of attendance will be issued.

  3. The course fees must be paid in full before the workshop, otherwise the certificate of attendance will not be issued.

  4. For any reason (absences, no-shows, second thoughts or withdrawal for any personal reason during the workshop, etc.) and which does not depend on the DTL organization once the work has begun, there will be no refund of the entire fee.

  5. In the event that the student does not respect the rules, timetables, orders, during the course or does not respect colleagues or teachers, or if she/he behaves in an inappropriate or rude manner; The management will have the right to immediately expel from the course without any explanation and there will be no refund of the entire fee. "Respect is our First Rule"

  6. The Association / DANCE TO LIVE ® reserves the right to change days, times, costs, displacements of venues if necessary for the association's purposes.

  7. The Association / DANCE TO LIVE ® assumes no responsibility for personal items. Members are requested to make sure of their items within the structures where the activities are carried out.

  8. The student cannot wear watches, bracelets, and any other object and behavior that could cause damage to other members and to the structure.


Hereby the undersigned declares to be of healthy and robust constitution, suitable for non-competitive and recreational physical activity and to relieve Simonetta Ottone and the Association / DANCE TO LIVE® which represents from any responsibility regarding injuries, accidents or COVID 19 infections occurring during the activity of the DANCE TO LIVE Method ® program.


Permission & Release for images, videos and sound recordings


We inform you that during the presence of the teachers and the staff, as part of the DANCE TO LIVE Workshops at the Danssabeel headquarters in Cairo, an operator will be present to take photo/audio/video recordings.

  • I agree to be resumed and / or registered by technical means;

  • I agree  the use of my images, my name and my voice by DANCE TO LIVE® without any restrictions;

  • I declare that I do not claim any monetary compensation whatever the use that the DTL Team will make of the material (including commercial), whatever the media form used (now known or of future conception) in any place, in any language, now and forever.


Agreement & Regulations for the Dance To Live® course


Sisterhood is the “MISSION” of DANCE TO LIVE®.

Thanks to your professionalism and collaboration in compliance with the rules it will be possible to preserve and develop in a manner consistent with the achievement of the purpose of the project.


The collaboration between the DANCE TO LIVE® Brand "DTL®", the students and participants in the activities, the future teachers and the owners of the schools and course structures is important, to protect your and our work.

Failure to comply with the rules gives the DTL® team the right to take provisions on the issue or suspension of licenses.


At the end of the FIRST LEVEL - BASIC and SECOND LEVEL - PROFESSIONAL, a signed contract will be stipulated, to which the medical certificate must also be attached by the participant.

At the end of each level, once the exams have been passed, the exclusive certification of the DANCE TO LIVE® brand will be issued, recognized by the International Dance Council UNESCO, only in case of absences of less than 30% of the live formations and the achievement of study hours and individual preparation foreseen by the program.


DANCE TO LIVE® is a registered trademark and format specially conceived and created by Simonetta Ottone; the works, the theoretical and practical teaching materials and the choreographic sequences taught in the course are protected works of genius.


Participants in the DANCE TO LIVE® Trainings undertake to respect the law on copyright, national and international civil and criminal laws that protect the exclusive property of DTL®.


DANCE TO LIVE® is owned by Simonetta Ottone; The use, dissemination, disclosure in any form, including private, direct and through the internet and social media of the brand is prohibited, outside the educational activities held and authorized by the parent company Associazione Compagnia DanzArte.


  • It is forbidden to disclose the didactic material (manual, protocols, video tutorials and regulations, choreographic and movement sequences) received after passing the exam.


  • It is forbidden to create merchandising with DTL® or DANCE TO LIVE® logos or writings, taking note that only the original one is allowed produced and distributed by the parent company Associazione Compagnia DanzArte.

In the event of a confirmed violation of the provisions above, the person involved undertakes to pay a penalty of €20,000.00 (twenty thousand/00) for each violation committed.

Privacy Policy


This page describes how to manage the site with reference to the processing of the personal data of users who consult it.


Privacy information and cookie policy pursuant to Art 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 (GDPR) 

Simonetta Ottone "DanzArte" with registered office in Livorno - Via Strozzi, 40, 57123 (hereinafter (Simonetta Ottone "DanzArte")) is constantly committed to protecting the online privacy of its users. 

Source of personal data and Data Controller
This page describes the general methods of processing the personal data of site users and cookies, referring to any specific sections where the site user can find specific information and any requests for consent (for individual treatments). The information is provided only for this site and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user via links. Simonetta Ottone., Data Controller based in Livorno Via Strozzi, 40 - 57123, undertakes to protect the user's personal information and this document aims to help you understand what information we may collect and how we use it.

A) Processing methods
This document was drawn up pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter: "Regulation") in order to allow you to know our privacy policy. The general methods of processing the personal data of users of the site and cookies are described and how your personal information is managed when you use our site (hereinafter "Site"). The information and data you provide or otherwise acquired in the scope of use of Simonetta Ottone "DanzArte" services, - such as: access to the reserved area of the Site, newsletters, etc. hereinafter "Services" -, will be processed in compliance with the provisions of the Regulations and the confidentiality obligations that inspire the activity of Simonetta Ottone "DanzArte". According to the rules of the Regulations, the treatments carried out by Simonetta Ottone "DanzArte" will be based on the principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, purpose limitation and conservation, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality. The owner of the treatments carried out through the Site is Simonetta Ottone as defined above, to whom you can write for any information concerning the processing of personal data. The person in charge for the protection of personal data can be reached at the following address: This information is provided only for this Site and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user via links. Please refer to any specific sections of the Site where you can find specific information and any requests for consent for individual treatments.

B) Types of data
Following navigation of the Site, we inform you that Simonetta Ottone "DanzArte" will process personal data (Article 4 (1) of the Regulations) hereinafter only "Personal Data". In particular, the Personal Data processed through the Site are as follows:

1. Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Site acquire, during their normal operation, some Personal Data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's IT environment. These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its correct functioning (see the paragraph on cookies below), to identify anomalies and / or abuses, and are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used by the competent authorities to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical computer crimes against the site.

2. Data provided voluntarily by the interested party
Apart from that specified for navigation data, the user is free to provide personal data contained in any request forms present on the website (eg to activate newsletters, free registration, purchase, etc.). Failure to provide them could make it impossible to provide the service. In these cases, only the information necessary for the requested service will be requested (see the specific information in detail). In the use of some Services of the Site, the processing of Personal Data of third parties you sent to Simonetta Ottone "DanzArte" may occur. With respect to these hypotheses, you act as an independent data controller, assuming all the obligations and responsibilities of the law. In this sense, it confers on this point the widest indemnity with respect to any dispute, claim, request for compensation for damage from treatment, etc. that should reach Simonetta Ottone "DanzArte" from third parties whose Personal Data have been processed through its use of the Site's functions in violation of the applicable rules on the protection of personal data. In any case, should it provide or otherwise process Personal Data of third parties in the use of the Site, it guarantees from now - assuming all related responsibility - that this particular hypothesis of treatment is based on an appropriate legal basis pursuant to art . 6 of the Regulation which legitimizes the processing of the information in question.

C) Purpose of the processing and legal bases
The processing of personal data that we intend to carry out, with your specific consent where necessary, has the following purposes: • To allow the provision of the Site Services; The legal basis of the processing is the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the same (Article 6 (1) (b) of the Regulation) as the processing is necessary for the provision of the Service. The provision of Personal Data for these purposes is optional but failure to provide it would make it impossible to activate the Services provided by the Site.

D) Recipients of personal data
Your Personal Data may be shared, for the aforementioned purposes, with: • persons authorized by Simonetta Ottone "DanzArte" to process Personal Data necessary to carry out activities strictly related to the provision of the Services, who are committed to confidentiality or have an adequate legal obligation of confidentiality (e.g. employees, system administrators, correspondents, collaborators and associated brands). • third parties possibly involved in the management of the Site who typically act as Data Processors. • subjects, bodies or authorities to whom it is mandatory to communicate your Personal Data by virtue of the provisions of the law or orders of the authorities.

E) Transfers of personal data
Some of your Personal Data are shared with Recipients who could be found outside the European Economic Area. Simonetta Ottone "DanzArte" ensures that the processing of your Personal Data by these Recipients takes place in compliance with the Regulations. Indeed, transfers can be based on an adequacy decision, on the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission or on another suitable legal basis.

F) Your privacy rights pursuant to art. 15 and ss. of the Regulation
Pursuant to articles 15 and following of the Regulations, you have the right to ask Simonetta Ottone "DanzArte", at any time, to access your Personal Data, to rectify or cancel them or to oppose their treatment, you have the right to request the limitation of processing in the cases provided for by art. 18 of the Regulation, as well as to obtain the data concerning you in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, in the cases provided for by art. 20 of the Regulation.
Requests must be sent in writing to the Data Controller at the following address: In any case, you always have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority (Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data), pursuant to art. 77 of the Regulation, if you believe that the processing of your Personal Data is contrary to the legislation in force.

H) Changes
This privacy policy is effective from 23/5/2018. Simonetta Ottone "DanzArte" reserves the right to modify or simply update its content, in part or completely, also due to changes in the applicable legislation. Simonetta Ottone "DanzArte" will inform you of these changes as soon as they are introduced and they will be binding as soon as they are published on the Site. Simonetta Ottone "DanzArte" therefore invites you to regularly visit this section to become aware of the most recent and updated version of the privacy policy in order to be always updated on the data collected and on the use made of them by Simonetta Ottone "DanzArte".

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Via Strozzi, 40 - 57123 Livorno " Italy"
Tel. +39 347 1881957 -

© 2022 by Simonetta Ottone - Concept by Ash Tawfik

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