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Writer's picture: Simonetta OttoneSimonetta Ottone

International Dance Movement Therapy Retreat 2024

Dance To Live "THE DANCED BREATH" è stata un’esperienza incredibile!


THE DANCED BREATH was an incredible experience!

A beautiful First Edition of our Summer Retreat in Italy, far, far beyond our wildest expectations.

  • 70 hours of DanceMovementTherapy, through our internationally accredited Training;

  • 8 Professors from different nationalities and backgrounds and 1 Tour Leader;

  • 12 Days immersed in Dance, Music, Wellbeing, Art and Art Therapies, Nature and Travel;

  • 12 Students (the maximum number of participants in our Courses) from 6 countries, and others already registered on the waiting lists for upcoming activities;

  • 12 visits and excursions between cities of art, nature and meditation;

  • 800 square meters of space dedicated to Dance, on the seafront of Livorno (thanks to ST Danza di Simona Tocchini for the welcome and punctual collaboration);

Delicious Italian and Livorno food, thanks to our local network;

A guesthouse entirely dedicated to Dance in the heart of Venice, the most historic and fascinating neighborhood of Livorno!

What we want to do is tell you all this with the words of some of our Students!

Feride Abbasova (Bulgaria - Azerbaijan):
Feride Abbasova

Jung was among the first who pointed on bodily movement as the primal forms of expressions and communication, which are based on universal patters (Jung, 1925). He explained movements and consequently the dance as a part of what is called - active imagination, process experienced by every individual, yet, sacral and requiring inner level work for its true manifestation.

This, to my opinion, is an essential theme of Maria Fux method, that I and the other participants were privileged to experience in Livorno, Italy at the beginning of this month.

The method and the Program were passionately and delicately orchestrated by Simonetta Ottone Dance to Live Method® and the group of professionals invited.

Maria Fux is an Argentinian artist, choreographer and one of the pioneers of dance and movement therapy (DMT). Based on her method, authentic movement and dance are considered as an unknown territory, yet creatively charged and resourceful for the individual.

DMT, in general, contemplated as one of the approaches and therapies addressing the mentioned above - active imagination process, by engaging body to express itself in an organised yet spontaneous and improvised manner, such as through the dance and movement. 

My personal experience within these reviving days can be best captured by using Rumi’s quote: - In order to understand the dance, one must be still. And to truly understand the stillness, one must dance. I came very near to realizing during one of the training exercises that motionless and movement are the foundation and source of one’s authentic dance that can be healing and therapeutical. Being a psychologist and psychotherapist, this insight is pivotal to me to hold on and employ while helping others to discover, express, experience their “authentic movements and dance”.

Thank you Simonetta Ottone Dance to Live.

Isabella Rossi (Italy):
Isabella Rossi

A few days have passed and I return to that we have lived together: happy moments of curiosity and enrichment, but also difficult moments for the tiredness, for the psycho-physical limitations: our body doesn’t always answer as we want! Just this has been the point more important for me: to know and recognize our limits and to learn to work inside them.

So doing, step by step, we can hope in a change.

These limitations emerge when we explore the space around us entering in the space of the others. For doing we tried a balance, a harmony, we heard our difficulty – perhaps we searched the ”keys of joy”: were they inside us? Were into the communication?

A great joy was also understanding that there are many different dances, but there are the same basic points: the dance is a journey into the universality.

Thanks for all!

Maria Papanika (Cyprus - Greece):
Maria Papanika

Dancing with myself

A few days ago, at a dance school in Livorno, I had the privilege of experiencing something truly special: the union of my passion for dance with my desire to help those in need. Through the various workshops offered by the Dance to Live Program ®, I was able to deepen my understanding of the world of Dance Therapy and truly connect with its essence. The blend of theoretical approaches and practical lessons created a sense of fulfillment that was both wholesome and transformative.

This program allowed me to be more present, to fully embody the moment, and to feel every emotion that flowed through my body’s energy. In essence, it became a journey of self-discovery, revealing a new part of myself that had been hidden until now.

Becoming aware of this has filled me with joy and curiosity, sparking a desire to continue exploring and dancing with myself forever.

Massimiliano Fabrizi (Italy):
Massimiliano Fabrizzi

6.55 The dance is starting at the train station.

People with their bags are getting on the train.

Frantic, calm, joyful movements, everyone carries his/her own mood and dimension on the train. They are particles of humanity dancing individually their own routine towards their job, towards the airport.

9.00 The dance is starting at the school. We are greeting each other with different kinds of "Buon giorno". Our dance starts differently with smiles, hugs, "come stai", jokes, words about sharing experiences. Then the music is bringing us to the dimension where our souls are meeting each other, where languages and  cultures are no longer important, they no longer create barriers.

We are just an amalgam of bodies spreading energy all around the room. The energy accumulates and the magic happens. Now smiling, crying or hugging  take on a different meaning. It's complete, it's fulfilling, it's genuine, one's soul is embraced by sense of protection and extension towards someone else's soul.

17.00 everyone is tired, emptied but filled. A new version of one's self has just been released: hope for the next day.speranza per il giorno dopo.

Maha Hafez (Egypt):
Maha Hafez

“I found infinite roots towards life through dance movement therapy!”

Thank you “DanceToLive” family; Simonetta and Ashraf for the September 2024 interconnected human experiences retreat in the most comfortable and professional studio ST Danza !

Continuing my educational progress in “DanceToLive ®” dance movement therapy professional program and attending this retreat made me integrate more pieces inside of my body, mind, soul and spirit.

It was a feeling of eternal self and collective exploration since day one of the retreat program when Simonetta introduced the first session with body vocal exercises in the form of a circle gathering humans from different countries and nationalities; all with one universal language which is dance and body movements for wellness.

The seamless transitions between technical teachings, emotional self-exploration, and the practical sessions embodied Simonetta’s ability to guide our souls towards a more holistic approach to life through Dance Movement Therapy.

Not to forget the remarkable sunsets, beach time and fun times in exploring bits and pieces of Italy with the knowledgeable guide, Lorenzo.

Moreover, the drum circles led by Manuela Tonelli and Giada Garrison felt like a liberating journey for the soul; embracing a deep sense of freedom.

The linkage between Dance Movement Therapy and Psychopedagogy by Paola Morelli was an eye-opener.

One of the most significant moments for me was our visit to the farm, where we explored the ancient “Etruscan” lands and connected deeply with the Earth's five elements, indulging our senses over a homemade dinner hosted by a warm Livornese family was pure magic.

I embodied my inner world of shadows and light throughout the program and released them in a way to benefit myself and the world.

Janaina Moreno (Brazil - Portugal):
Janaina Moreno

Italy is the best place for who wants to study Dancetherapy.

 As a dance teacher and researcher, I was looking for a program that could add knowledge to my studies and I found that on the DTL Program ®.

The program included classes, discussions and tourism, was very complete.

Our location at ST Danza was excellent, all the guests were amazing professionals that brought important topics, discussions and practices.

DTL by Simonetta Ottone is a serious work, done with responsibility and work ethics, but it is also a very warm and welcoming atmosphere. Simonetta and Ashraf did everything to make us feel at home, what can be very hard in such a long program and sharing accommodation, but they did their best and the group was great.

It is hard to choose one day but I really loved the contemporary and music therapy sessions, and I was willing to have more of them. And for sure the Agritourism experience in Countryside Tuscany is unforgettable. It was a deep connection to the nature and to the astonishing beauty of Tuscany. Nevertheless, sharing experience with Simonetta and Nawal and giving a class to such a great group was an absolute pleasure!

In resume these 12 days of immersion in the DanceTherapy were very intense but it was definitely worth it. Thanks to Simonetta, Ash, Simona, Manuela and all the teachers, our lovely guide Lorenzo, and a big thanks to ST Danza team and  to all the delicious food we had.

Looking forward to seeing you again!

Nawal El Tememi (Egypt - Canada):
Nawal El Tememi

This past weekend at the Dance to Live ® Dance Movement Therapy Retreat in Livorno, Italy, was both enriching and transformative.

The retreat allowed me to accumulate valuable hours toward my DTL® Program while immersing myself in Italy’s rich history and culture. Engaging with local people deepened my understanding of how therapy connects with diverse communities worldwide.

 The inspiring curriculum and expert specialists fueled my passion as a dance teacher, equipping me with innovative techniques to incorporate clinical practices into my art form.

This experience highlighted dance movement therapy's potential as a treatment for various issues faced in today's society.

Overall, the retreat blended personal growth, professional development, and cultural exploration, making it an unforgettable experience that will undoubtedly enhance my future work in the field.

Heba Korashi (Egypt):
Heba Korashi

In end of May 2024, DTL announced their first summer retreat to be in September, around three months later. It seemed like a wish come true: a travel to Italy, in addition to an exposure to the dance therapy field over there that I’ve always wanted to observe firsthand.

I wanted to get a closer look into our program and learn more about its origins and how it came to life in these exact places I was meant to visit.

Our daily schedule was packed and some days have been busier than others. But all in all, our days were full of art. Full of dance, museums visits, good food, and long strolls in main cities and pretty streets as well as the countryside.

Within days, Casa Julka has become like a second home. We would look forward to head there after a long busy day and to share a meal together and to share our thoughts about our day. The flat seemed alarmingly small at first, yet it turned out to have all what we needed.

And this was my major lesson and theme from this short retreat:

There is always an opportunity to create space and freedom, even when it doesn’t seem like it.

Dance To Live DMT al Tramonto

From the words and the involvement expressed by the participants, we believe that THE DANCED BREATH has truly been a space for sharing emotions, stories, visions, thanks to the creation of a group full of humanity and strength. A space where our creative, intercultural and professional approach will perhaps bring a little kindness and hope into the world.

This is what we wish!

A dutiful thanks to the Professors and Members of the Dance To Live® Method Scientific Committee, and in particular to: Giada Garrison (Italy, USA), Paola Morelli Maher (Italy, UK), Ashraf Tawfik (Italy, Egypt), Simona Tocchini (Italy), Manuela Tonelli (Italy).

Thanks for their cultural contributions in Dance to Nawal El Tememi and Janaina Moreno and to our companion Lorenzo Bianchi.

And to the good Italian food of Ristoro in Bellavista ST Danza ASD!

Our Dance Therapy is continuous study, daily practice, a strong network of professionals from different countries, cultures and continents: it will be wonderful to continue growing together!

The next Workshops 2024 – 2025 will be:

Dance To Live Students

  • Cairo, DTL Workshop November 20 - December 4, 2024

  • Italy, Winter Retreat First Edition February 22-26, 2025,

  • Cairo, DTL Workshop May 9-25, 2025

  • Italy, Summer Retreat, Second Edition August 30 - September 7, 2025

  • Cairo, DTL Workshop November 14-29, 2025

In the meantime, we are waiting for you in Livorno, where we have daily Practice and Study Groups for anyone interested in Dance Movement Therapy, as a curious person, amateur, student or trainee. But if you are far away, while waiting to see us in person in the scheduled workshops, we can also meet online!

Let the Breath dance!

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Via Strozzi, 40 - 57123 Livorno " Italy"
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